  • May2023 - Jul2023
    • Proficiently developed React components for the frontend of the MVP from scratch using NextJS 13.

    • Setup automatic checks and deployments using GitHub Actions to enhance developer productivity.

    • Contributed significantly to advancing the startup to Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 6.

  • Aug2024 - Oct2024
    • Revamping and building the frontend of the website using NextJS 14 and TailwindCSS.

    • Refactored and redesigned onboarding flow that resulted in a 30% higher retention rate.

    • Migrated landing page from NextJS 14 to Astro, leading to a SEO boost and bump in user activity.

  • Jul2024 - Current
    Quiz Club, NIT Silchar
    • Organise quizzes both in college and national levels, specialising in Science, Technology, Business and General Quizzes.

    • Part of team that bagged the Runner’s Up position at BizTech Quiz, Springfest, IIT Kharagpur, beating 50+ teams.

  • Dec2023 - Feb2024
    NITS Hacks 6.0
    • Led a website team of 4 developers and 3 designers to launch the event website in a short launch window without compromising on design or best practices.

    • Co-headed the Software Track of the hackathon which saw participation of over 50 teams from multiple colleges.

  • Aug2023 - Aug2024
    Google Developer Student Clubs, NIT Silchar
    • Actively contribute to the organisation and coordination of various workshops, hackathons and events.

    • Manage and lead all web projects maintained and developed by GDSC, NIT Silchar.

    • Tech Lead and Software Track Co-Head of NITS::HACKS 6.0, the Annual Hackathon under Tecnoesis, NIT Silchar.

  • Aug2022 - Feb2023
    National Institute of Technology, Silchar

    Worked on college fest websites under the guidance of seniors -

    • Tecnoesis 2022

      • Implemented OAuth using Firebase in the frontend for single-click sign-in for users to create their profiles as well as to log in to their dashboard.

      • Created the events page to showcase the various events taking place and their details, and register for the same.

      • Created teams page to showcase all people who made the fest possible.

      • Technologies and Tools used - ReactJS, NextJS, SCSS, Firebase, Tailwind, git.

    • Incandescence

      • Created the Gallery page from scratch to showcase the different happenings on different days of the fest.

      • Technologies and Tools used - ReactJS, SCSS, git.

  • Oct2020 - Jan2021

    Worked in a team of 12 voluteers responsible for data collection and preprocessing for diplaying in the website.